

  1. Operating Systems: Crash Course Computer Science #18
    This video explains the major concept of the operating systems whilst also explaining the history behind the operating systems itself. The well-structured, concise, and easy to understand explanations make this video perfect for people who are just starting to learn operating systems.
  2. Regular Expressions - Enough to be Dangerous
    This video explains the basics of regex. I really like this video because it’s very well explained and straightforward.
  3. How To Use grep Command In Linux / UNIX With Practical Examples
    This article explains how to use Grep on Linux comprehensively. I recommend you guys to read this article as Grep is one of the most useful commands on Linux.
  4. Learn C
    This website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the C programming language. The explanations are easy to understand and there are coding practices in each chapter with solutions.
  5. Basic Introduction to Pointers and Memory - What is a pointer?
    This video explains basic introduction to what pointers actually are in C language. The explanation comes with some visualization so it’s easier to understand the main concept of pointers in C language.
  6. What is Paging | Memory management | Operating System
    This video explains the concept of paging in memory management. This video is so helpful to understand paging concept. This video have a nice explanation and comes with some diagrams to help you understand the concept even more.
  7. Paging in Operating System
    This article also explains the concept of paging in memory management. The explanation is very brief and easy to understand so it can be used as a cheat sheet.
  8. fork() and exec() System Calls
    This video explains the concept of fork() and exec() in C language. The explanation is very practical and also come with illustration using terminal.
  9. fork() in C
    This article explains the concept of fork() in C language. The explanations are comprehensive. There are also sample program examples that runs fork() and exercises with the solutions.
  10. Process Synchronization Playlist
    This YouTube playlist explains process synchronization thoroughly, and the explanation is easy to understand. Besides theory videos, the playlist also comes with demo videos to help us understand more the concept of process synchronization.
  11. Introduction of Process Synchronization
    This article also explains process synchronization. The explanation is very concise and to the point but still cover essential thing.
  12. CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
    This article explains CPU Scheduling in operating systems. The explanation is straightforward to understand. It also comes with exercises and solutions.